You are all geared up for marketing your business in 2019, everything is in place – BUT….
Do you know where you are at today?
Have you taken a benchmark of your numbers today – followers, engagement rates, web traffic, email list etc.
It is vital that you make a most of your numbers on a regular basis so that you can assess your activity and work out if it is successful or not. Don’t waste money on activities that are not working! In today’s marketing world, it is easy to spend time and effort in the wrong place if you are not careful.
We see a number of businesses wanting to hit the ground running with their marketing activity which is great, but they do not know their numbers and within a few months they cannot truly define if something is working or not. Often than not, marketing activity is continued over long periods of time as there is no way to see if it is working.
Take lead magnets as an activity – you could spend a lot of time and money creating fantastic guides & checklists and email landing pages but not knowing how many people are already on your email marketing list, it is not going to tell you how successful it is. Could your time and effort be better spent elsewhere?
Creationz Marketing offers a marketing support programme to help businesses really get to grips with their marketing – could your business benefit from an extra pair of hands where marketing is concerned? If so, visit our Marketing Consultancy page or call us on 0115 8376 260
Our top tip would be to spend 10 minutes just writing down where you are at today with your numbers and then this give you something to assess future activity – it will help you work out if it is successful or not.
We spent time yesterday doing exactly this exercise and we were very surprised at the results. Whilst some activities had grown considerably over the past 12 months, other areas need work, or our attention needs to be focused elsewhere. This will certainly be something we review on a monthly basis and it will help us to shape our marketing plan and be more effective.
If you would like to put together a 12 month Marketing Plan that gives you clarity and action points then check out our Marketing Masterclass Training Programme
FREE Template
If you would like a FREE Benchmarking Template then just email with FREE Benchmarking Sheet as the subject – together let’s shake up marketing in 2019.
Hope you can pop back soon
p.s We run a FREE Facebook Group called Marketing for Success Club so if you are serious about getting to grips with your marketing and keeping up with all the latest developments then pop over and join our community – Marketing for Success Club