How a Power Hour Can help Your Marketing Plans Grow

How a Power Hour Can help Your Marketing Plans Grow

Marketing Power Hour - Creationz Marketing, Nottingham, Nottinghamshire, Get Clarity

Marketing is an essential part of every business and plans and ideas constantly change. New ideas can take time to develop, cost time and money and that’s before there are any rewards. A Power Hour with our Marketing Team at the start of a project can really help to ensure you have all your ducks in a row and you understand what your new idea really needs.

At Creationz, we offer a range of Power Hours, these Power Hours are designed to focus entirely on your business to help create a plan to market your business effectively within your budget. If you are wanting to do your own marketing but need some advice and help, our Power Hours can guide you.

These Sessions are ideal for:

  • New Business Start-Ups
  • Business Owners looking to get clarity on their marketing activity
  • Businesses looking to change how they currently market
  • Business Owners looking to try a new form of marketing to work alongside existing efforts.

So how does a Power Hour work?

Once you book a Power Hour, we schedule time in the diary to work with you to help move your plans forward. We will ask you for the main focus you want to cover on the call so we can do some prep work for you.

On the call, you will discuss the project, and we will spend time to help you craft a marketing plan to ensure all bases are covered. We will then give you our advice and tips to ensure success. We will also put everything in writing so you have a working document. We will also give you a follow-up call a week after the Power Hour to see how you are getting on.

Power Hours can also help with:

Sense Checking

If you are looking to set up a new marketing activity a Power Hour can help sense check if it is right for your business.

We can help run through all the essentials and make sure everything is covered to assess the viability of the idea. We are all Marketing Magpies, by taking the time before you invest time, money, and effort, you can be sure you are spending effort in the right places.

Planning a new activity
When planning a new activity, it is easy to fall down the trap of paying extra for things you may not need. We can help run through whether this marketing activity will be beneficial for your business and what its true costs/fees are. We help you break down the steps you need to take and what resources are required to ensure you are spending time and efforts in the right places to help your business.

Marketing Planning for the month
A Power Hour can help you plan ahead. This is necessary as you have to always be one step forward! Once you have your month planned out, you’re not sitting around thinking of ideas on the day on what to do. Got all the ideas, but don’t know how to join them up? We can help link your marketing activities together! There is no point in writing a blog if no one is going to see it, but do you know how to correctly market it for more people to see it? We can give you a step-by-step process on how to link up your marketing together for your business.

Training in marketing
Our Power Hour sessions will allow you to tap into over 20 Years of marketing experience working in a wealth of industries and includes both non-digital and digital expertise. Get the skills you and your team need to ensure your marketing is successful.

Book a power hour today – and see how Creationz can help you. If you have any questions, please call the team on 0115 8376 260 or email

Further Reading:

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7 Day Marketing Tune-Up Challenge

7 Day Marketing Tune-Up Challenge

Are you marketing your business but not sure of the results you are getting?
Are you spending a lot of money but not concentrating on basics?
Do you want to get to grips with your marketing but unsure where to start?

If so, we have just the thing to help you. Starting on the 4th February 2021, we are running a 7-Day Marketing Tune-Up Challenge to help businesses get to grips with their marketing efforts. Helping you to get clarity and get results you need. Together, we go through 7 effective ways designed for your business.

Over 7 days, you will receive 7 specific emails that look at different aspects of marketing with tips you can implement easily into your business without breaking the bank.

Join us over 7 days where we will be giving you 7 simple, easy to implement marketing tips that won’t break the bank. Our 7 easy to adopt tips:

* Are simple to implement
* Will sharpen your brand 
* Will help you learn new strategies
* Help you step put of our comfort zone – come on join us!

Register Today to start your 7-Day Marketing Tune-up
Starting – 4th February 2021



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The Power of Communication in a Post-Lockdown World

The Power of Communication in a Post-Lockdown World

Times are changing and they are changing fast. We cannot all carry on marketing our businesses in the same way and expect the same results. Covid-19 has made a real difference to how we communicate our messages. Those businesses that have continued to share social media posts, send email communications, engage in PR and direct mail campaigns will find it easiest to maintain and grow their client base.

One contributing factor for this change is loyalty.  We live in a 24/7 world where we all want things at the click of a button and there is often very little loyalty if the same product/service is available faster & quicker elsewhere. Keeping your customer base updated and bringing them along with you on the journey will enhance loyalty and create brand ambassadors.

How we communicate is crucial going forward.  Social media is getting busier, email inboxes are bursting at the seams and more traditional forms of marketing such as direct mail campaigns are proving popular.  Be aware though, that there are obstacles especially in the B2B sector as a large amount of businesses are embracing home working so not always in the office to receive the post.

Our top tips for effective communication would be:

1: Be Clear

Now more than ever businesses need to be clear about what they are communicating. With many businesses now either working from home or changing their offering, it is important that all messages are communicated clearly by:

  • Knowing your purpose – brand recognition, sales & share information etc.
  • Knowing how you are going to communicate – social media, email etc.
  • Being clear on what you want to achieve

2 Know Your Audience

With any marketing communication channel, it is vital that you understand your audience as this will help determine your tone of voice, length of communication and graphics required. By knowing your audience, you can easily segment and send targeted messages to different audiences at the same time.

People are busy, by being direct you can ensure that your marketing messages are received by the right person at the right time and written for the right audience. Remember, the best communication piece talks to your customer and about them – it is not about you.

Marketing communication is no longer about throwing out lots of content and hoping something sticks. Be clear on:

  • Who are you sending the messages to?
  • How they digest information
  • Where do they get their information from to make buying decision – social media, Press etc.
  • Do they prefer detailed content or short-form content?

3: Be Human & Authentic

Human and authentic communications will always get a better response. People buy from people and when social media posts, emails etc are written so you can visualise the speaker, buy-in is increased.

Over the past six months communication channels have really become more human as we are helping and supporting each-other and this is vital when sending marketing communications out.

Other things to consider:

  • Don’t use jargon
  • Write as if you are speaking to the reader
  • Be helpful & supportive
  • Can you personalise communications?

4: Communication Channels

It is essential businesses look at each channel in a joined-up manner. Integrated communications will have a better response to stand alone pieces. Customers will digest information better from a number of combined sources. Whilst the way communication is delivered varies per channel, the messaging needs to be-consistent. Have a clear plan of what you are going to use each channel for and regularly assess if it continues to be right for your business

5: Be Consistent

The best advice I can pass on is to be consistent. If you are going to create a communication plan for your business, make sure that you are sending out messages in a timely and consistent manner. Your customers want to hear from you and by being consistent, you stay front of mind. If you write a monthly newsletter, make it land in inboxes at the same time each month. Consider:

  • Frequency
  • Delivery times
  • Time required to produce the content
  • Content formats – text, images, videos

5: Monitoring the ROI

Over the next month, take time to actually monitor the return on investment with social media, email marketing, PR and direct Mail campaigns etc. You can do this relatively easily by monitoring the engagement that you get on social media, the open rates that you receive with email marketing and any results and inquiries from direct Mail & PR. By taking the time, you can actively see what is working and what isn’t.

It is important to monitor:

  • How many communications are you sending out?
  • How many responses / engagements are you getting?
  • What is your current open rate percentages and clicks
  • What sales are generated?
  • How many enquiries are made?

Finally, now is the perfect time to enhance your marketing communications and try new ways to reach your audience. By being present and keeping in front of your clients, it will be easier to build and develop new audiences. Review your communications today and see how you can adapt and adjust as your business finds in new path.

5 Ways to Use Instagram for Business

5 Ways to Use Instagram for Business

We are often asked by clients, should we be on Instagram? Or how can we use it properly for our business?

You first need to establish your target market and whether they will be on Instagram. Don’t be a marketing magpie and go on Instagram because everyone else is! It needs to suit you and your business.

We are going to run you through a few tips on how to make the most out of Instagram:


Hashtags are the perfect way to help grow and be found in a specific area of expertise. On Instagram you can use up to 30 hashtags, this is great as you can pick a variety that will help you reach your target audience.

Make sure you don’t bombard with lots of hashtags and ensure they are relevant!!

You should aim to make the hashtags are specific and try not to use popular hashtags as your post is less likely to be seen.

Examples of hashtags to use:

  • Location
  • Business industry
  • Relevant to subject post
  • Create your own brand hashtags
  • Product or service
  • Niche hashtags
  • Seasonal
  • Awareness days


Instagram stories only last 24 hours then they disappear. This is the perfect way to post as much as you want without feeling like you are bombarding your followers with too much content. It is an ideal way to engage with your followers and give them an insight into some behind the scenes of your business.

Top Tip! Make sure you use stickers on Instagram stories for more engagement! We recommend using:
Polls, Questions, Countdown, and Quiz.
These will all help you interact with your customers and give you an idea of what they like, which you can base your posts around!

Examples of stories to make:

  • Behind the scenes
  • Questions
  • Motivational quotes
  • Tell a story
  • Ask for opinions
  • Before and after
  • Testimonials
  • Review products

Instagram Highlights

Instagram highlights are Instagram stories that you can feature on your profile, this is so that they can stay permanently. You can add highlight covers to make it look aesthetically pleasing, this will make a good impression for new followers who are looking at your profile.

You can categorise your highlights, for example naming one as “Questions” and you can add all the stories you have previously posted on questions your followers have asked and you have answered. This is really useful as it is like FAQs, and you are not having to repeat questions.


Instagram IGTV’s allows you to create long videos, this is great as you can go into detail about a particular subject you are talking about. This is an ideal way of building engagement, as people tend to like videos more as they give a better insight rather than a stand-alone picture. You can also go live on Instagram which you can then save the whole live video onto your IGTV for people to watch at a later date.

Examples of videos you can create:

  • Question and answer sessions
  • Give tips and ideas
  • Behind the scenes
  • Tutorials
  • Tell a story
  • Explainer videos of products etc


It is important to engage with your followers as much as you can. This will not only help others engage with you, but the Instagram algorithm also detects that you are active on the App and will then make your posts visible to more people.

Make sure you are liking, commenting, and sharing other content, this will help build your engagement and interaction.

Get in contact with us and we can take a look at your Instagram to find ways to improve – 0115 8 376 260

5 reasons your business should continue to write blogs post-Covid

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Everything you need to know about Email Marketing

Everything you need to know about Email Marketing

Does your business use Email Marketing? If not, should it? The answer is probably yes, as email marketing is regularly cited as one of, if not the best marketing channel for consistently delivering the highest ROI.

More than half of the world’s population use email worldwide, with this number set to rise up to more than 4.3 billion people by 2023 (Radicati Group) – Before we get into how to get the most out of email marketing, it is important to understand why it is such a beneficial marketing tool. Email Marketing Is an old yet extremely reliable and effective form of marketing, it’s a cost-effective solution to reach customers where they visit every day — their inbox.

  • Benefits of Email Marketing

Unrivaled return on investment: In the world of business, results are arguably the only thing that matters. With this being said, the reason Email marketing is highly invested in is because of the fantastic ROI. According to DMA in 2017, the return on investment for every £1 spent was £32.28 (DMA, 2017).

Low costs: The most obvious advantage of using email marketing is the fact it’s one of the lowest costing marketing channels in relation to the ROI. It is worth investing in specialist software that allows you to automate, track, and evaluate the emails that have been sent – other than this subscription fee there are very little costs.

Targeted and Personalized: Many marketers spend large amounts of expenditure on trying to reach an audience who are interested in their brand. Email Marketing allows you to go a step further, and only target subscribers who meet a specific criterion.

  • Email Marketing tips

Good email marketing means that you are sending emails to people who want to hear from you – However, often your emails end up getting lost in an overcrowded inbox or even a customer’s spam.

Perfect your subject line: Writing an effective subject line is key in ensuring your audience engage with your email – This can be the difference recipients opening your email or deleting it. People open emails if they feel there is some form of benefit in doing so – so make this benefit clear in the title.

Get personal: Personalisation is key in the success of an email campaign – Using people’s names catches their attention. However, there is more to personalisation than this. Segmentation is a great way of engaging with a specific audience, allowing you to send emails depending on someone’s age, gender, location etc.

Call to action: Aside from an effective subject line, The CTA is the most important part of the email as this what will get your subscribers to convert. Make the CTA’s simple and easy to locate.

  • Growing your email list

Now you understand how to put together an effective email – You need to understand how to grow your audience and reach a wider population. This is not a simple task and can often be frustrating for a business owner. In order to do this, you need to regularly promote your Newsletter, including all the benefits of being a subscribed member. You need to give individuals a reason to sign up to your newsletter else it will become stale – This can be done by promoting your email sub subscription down a number of different channels on a regular basis. 

Once you begin to build your subscription list it is crucial to keep a database with all of your client’s contact information. We have heard a number of horror stories of businesses losing thousands of customers contact details that they have built up over a period of years – This can leave a business in a very difficult position and almost feels like they are starting from scratch.

  • Conclusion

During these difficult times, it is important for businesses to look for new ways of generating leads – I hope this article sheds some light on the effects email marketing can have. Whilst all the advantages and tips mentioned are well documented and realistically achievable, it’s important to remember to have a clear execution plan in place for your email marketing. Having patience is key – this is not something that will happen overnight!

If you need any help and support during this difficult period, then please get in touch – 0115 8 376 260

5 reasons your business should continue to write blogs post-Covid

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