5 Ways to Enhance your Marketing During Lockdown

5 Ways to Enhance your Marketing During Lockdown

It is definitely a worrying time for all businesses especially smaller/independent businesses, as everything has come to a complete standstill, and marketing might not seem high on your priority list right now.

Over the past few weeks, we have been working with lots of clients in different industries helping them adapt around the circumstances and to create a two-tiered approach that focuses on the here and now but also plans for the future. As we write this, businesses are starting to head back to work (where possible).

There are a number of marketing activities you can do to help you stand out during lockdown and won’t necessarily break the bank. The best piece of advice we can give you is to not stop marketing. Use this time to audit, enhance, and refresh your marketing strategy during following the 3 R’s:

Review – check how you are currently doing and draft ideas on how you can improve during these times.

Refresh – keep up with trends – what can you do differently

Reset – deliver a different message

We thought we would share our top 5 tips to enhance your marketing during lockdown:

1. Google My Business.

Google My Business (GMB) is the perfect tool to keep your customers updated especially during these uncertain times. Your customers will have lots of questions like your opening times, your contact details if these have changed due to working from home, instead of having to contact you they are able to keep up to date on there.

Google My Business allows you to add posts promoting your latest information and offers which stay visible for a week. You can showcase a different service each week giving people a glimpse of what you do. You can also access insights to tell you how many views, searches, and activity your business has had direct from GMB

So review your listing, update details and make sure you are adding a post each week to promote a different service/product and links to a different page of your website.  This should not take you more than 10 minutes per week and is an easy job to schedule on a Monday morning – (it is in our diaries as a weekly task!)

2. Create Your Audience.

Use this period of lockdown to build your email marketing list and write your content ready to kickstart your marketing as soon as the coronavirus is over. Once written, you can then drip feed content for your audience to look forward to.

Building an audience on social media is great but you don’t own it. What would you do if Facebook or LinkedIn suddenly shuts down tomorrow? Would you still have a method of reaching your customers?

Make a plan to build your audience online but then have a method of getting them off and into your email marketing flows. Word of warning here – do not just automatically add people you connect with online to your email lists – it is NOT the done thing, is against GDPR, and will not give a good impression of your business.

Once you have your email list, plan out your content. Remember to give your audience top tips, help, and support during lockdown – reduce the sales pitches – this way they will remember the good things you have done. Adjust/adapt your services to the circumstances, this will make people want to engage with you more.

How can you build your list today in the right way?

3. Review and refresh your website.

Now is the perfect time to give your website a refresh as we have more time on our hands, make sure you add in any new services you are offering so your audience are aware of this and build your resources.

Top things to check:

  • Page Content
  • SEO – when was it last updated?
  • Refresh images
  • Calls to Action – could you add more / less
  • Add in newsletter options
  • Blogs – could you write more
  • Links to associations,
  • Add case-studies and Testimonials
  • Check Internal Links

Improve your website’s SEO this will help people find your business. As Google changes their search engines so often it is important that your website frequently changes to keep up with trends. Do you know your numbers – review your analytical data to see how your website is really performing.

At the moment your competitors will be reviewing their websites to make an impact and certainly something you should make a priority. Our top tip for a website is little and often rather than wholesale changes in one go and then nothing for a number of months.

This week we have helped a client review their stats and whilst traffic has remained the same, the bounce rate is down, time spent on the site has gone from 1minute to 10 minutes and people are viewing more pages. What is did show was that a page they really wanted to rank well for was not being found – with a few simple tweaks this situation will be improved.

Could you set yourself a target to review 1 page of your website each day?

4. Social Media.

Take time to review your social media constantly. You will most likely need to change the messages you are sending out so that it is relevant to the circumstances. Think:

  • Is the message correct?
  • Are we on the right platform?
  • Can you improve our Bio / Company Details?
  • Can we change our graphics – timeline, etc to add a call to action?

It is important to make sure you change your graphics regularly and keeping your bio up to date –this could be changing the link to your latest blog or different pages of your website – not just your homepage.

Post regularly as everyone is now online and you need to get in front of your target audience – focus on conversations to get people more engaged.

Incorporate videos!! As we have little/no human contact seeing a face makes it feel more personal and your audience will more likely stop and watch it. It feels scary but well worth the effort.

Review your analytics on social media, check your numbers have they decreased ask yourself why and map out ideas on how you can change this. Constantly review and refine – don’t just do social as you have always done – make a change.

5. Create Content.

Keep your audience with you and keep them happy. Make sure you are frequently adding new content to your website. Consider writing those blogs you have put on your to-do list but never got around to.

Consider guest blogging, this will connect you with other businesses which can also share their knowledge on your website and vice versa to get your business name out. Who could you connect with?

You now have time to write those whitepapers, articles, press releases, guides & checklists whether this is for lockdown for your audience to learn something whilst they are at home or for after lockdown so that you are getting ready for when we are out.

When things do go back to the “new normal”, you may not have the time to write content so what can you add to the bank now to take the pressure off?

Make the time count for your business, using the ideas above, what could you put into place quickly and easily?  Help and support is only a phone call way – 0115 8376 260 and happy to help support businesses during this period.

Marketing for Success Club – Join our Community

Marketing for Success Club – Join our Community

We understand how marketing may not be high on your priority list right now with everything else that is going on. However, we have created a Facebook Community to share ideas and offer support to Business Owners and Marketing professionals looking to get ahead. The group has a wealth of experts ready to help – printers, graphic designers, web designers, PR gurus & more.

We hope you can join us for:

  • Weekly Challenges
  • Round-Up of Marketing News
  • Ideas and tips for you to try in your business
  • A forum for you to ask those niggling questions
  • Weekly shout-outs and a chance to build your followers

Pop over and join us today – let’s support each other to see out this crisis and get our businesses back on the right foot. Click the image below:

Marketing for Success Club - Facebook - Creationz Marketing

Join our FREE Facebook Group for Business Owners looking to get ahead in Marketing
Regular tips and advice that you can implement easily

The importance of content writing during the Coronavirus.

The importance of content writing during the Coronavirus.

As the UK is now in lockdown due to Coronavirus, your businesses may have shut the doors temporarily or working from home. Now is the perfect time to focus on your marketing. This is especially important as everyone is stuck indoors so people will be online!

Had an idea for an article but not had the time to write it?

Had an idea for a free guide/checklist but time has been limited?

Now is the time to start! Just remember that times have changed, and you may need to adapt your messages.

Do I need to change the overall message I send out?

Yes, when marketing, you have to change the message you send out making sure it Is appropriate to the circumstances we are facing and your audience. Therefore, during this period, you need to ask yourself if it is right to send out sales posts when a) you cannot offer the service in the same way or b) your customers are not buying at the minute.

I was reminded last week that there are 3 phases to this pandemic – Survival, Maintaining and Emergence – whilst we are still in survival, getting to grips with our businesses, we need to write content that covers each of these stages. Think future, not just the here and now.

Survival – how is the business different, what can you offer, reassurance for clients

Maintenance – your customers’ needs to know you are still here and how you can help

Emergence – How you are changing and adapting your business to benefits your clients

Just take a few minutes and watch the adverts – you will soon notice how the advertisers have all adapted very quickly to ensure they are not promoting goods and services like holidays & luxury items, etc that people cannot book or would be very reluctant to book.

The Tesco advert this morning was all about how they are working with the social distancing rules and changing how we shop to keep customers, staff and employees safe – giving peace of mind.

Think about how you could change your messages – here are some ideas to get you started:

  • Your opening hours and how you are working differently.
  • How you can help customers, whilst they are in lockdown.
  • Sending positive/supportive messages – be the go-to person.
  • Inform and update with anything new in the news relating to your industry.
  • Appropriate articles & guides that your customers may need
  • Offers of help – free zoom calls, ask the expert, etc
  • Be more human – showcase pictures of your team and say Thank You to your staff!
  • Explore different images and platforms
  • Answer Frequently Asked Questions – improve customer services

Times are changing and they are changing fast. We cannot all carry on marketing our businesses in the same way and expect the same results.

We are now utilising Zoom for virtual meetings and last week we ran our first training sessions virtually. Great to see we can adapt and busy writing a lot of helpful advice for you over the next few weeks.

Remember, everyone is using social media and searching online very differently at the minute – ask yourself how you could capitalise on this that will help your business succeed.

Need more help to market your business?

We are running regular FREE Zoom Power Hours on a Thursday at 4pm to help businesses with different topics – register today https://zoom.us/meeting/register/vJElfu6uqz8jvXp-fYM2zTgr_jC73RaLvw

If you need any help and support during this difficult period, then please get in touch – 0115 8 376 260

5 Mistakes to Avoid on Social Media
Are you a Marketing Magpie?
Are Testimonials Important
Do I Need a Marketing Plan

Join our FREE Facebook Group for Business Owners looking to get ahead in Marketing
Regular tips and advice that you can implement easily

Coronavirus – Should I Stop Marketing My Business?

Coronavirus – Should I Stop Marketing My Business?

The Coronavirus or Covid 19 is the hot topic on everyone’s lips right now, supermarkets have empty shelves, schools are considering shutting, businesses are sending staff to work from home and the London Marathon has been postponed in its 40th year. Businesses, especially small, independent businesses, are really starting to feel the pinch.

As you know, we provide marketing support for all sizes of businesses and from the conversations we have been having over the past few weeks, the topic of the impact on marketing has cropped up time and again. We are commonly being asked how much marketing should be done. So here are my musings on the subject and more will be added as we go through the next few difficult weeks:

  1. Should I stop marketing my business?

Simple answer NO!

Now is the time to ensure you keep talking to your audience to let them know if:

  • There are going to be any changes to your service
  • If there will be any increases in your lead times or deliverability issues
  • Changes to your opening times or if you are closing outside of your normal hours
  • You are going to implement contingency plans to ensure you can meet service levels
  • There are any available offers to help during this period

As business owners, you need to keep communication channels open and remember to keep reminding your customers you are still there so that when the coronavirus starts to wane, your customers have not forgotten you. In 2008 when the recession hit, marketing was one of the first things that most businesses stopped to cut costs. This actually had a negative effect on those that ceased their marketing activity, with those companies that maintained or enhanced their marketing been more successful.

A lot has changed since 2008 – we do not have the same level of customer loyalty there was back then, so this cannot be relied upon and taken for granted.

Social Media and Email Marketing are great for keeping you front and center of your clients. However, be realistic and do not pester and SPAM your clients to the point of no return.

I would ask you all to take a few minutes and think about how you could communicate with clients and what messages you need to put out.

2. Should my Marketing be different?

YES – now is a great time to review what marketing messages you are sending out and what marketing tools you are deploying to ensure they are still relevant and helpful during this difficult period.

I would certainly be advising all businesses to be looking at each medium to see if there are challenges or, more importantly, opportunities to be utilised. My top tools for you to consider are:

  • Facebook Lives – keeping people up to date with your business
  • Zoom / Skype / Loom / Facetime meetings
  • Webinars and Online Training instead of face-to-face
  • Video – if you don’t use it already then now is the time to start
  • EBooks and workbooks – what you get across in a meeting, could that be delivered in an eBook?

If we all sit back and wait for this to pass and take no action, then this is when businesses will really suffer. Those that have adapted and adopted will gain and most likely benefit more.

3. Should I cut back on my marketing spend?

I totally understand that the financial impact of the Coronavirus is only just starting to bite and could impact for many months ahead yet, so the question of budgets is really important. It is vital that you take the time to review what you are spending your money on. For some businesses right now, it would be advantageous to increase spend – IT companies, VA’s, Food delivery companies etc. as people are needing these services more and more.

There is no one-size-fits-all approach, each business needs to assess what has been working and what budget will you have going forward. This is where your stats will be really vital to show you what is working and what could be reduced. Look at your stats from the last three and one month periods and take these as a benchmark, to measure against during this next period of time.

Take a few minutes today to assess what activities are essential, nice-to-have or can be postponed.

There is an argument for ensuring that your websites and e-commerce shops are updated daily because if people are at home and not able to venture out as much. The internet and social media will be where they are hanging out.

4. Will anyone see my marketing messages in and amongst all the noise right now?

This goes back to knowing your audience and understanding what their pain points might be and ensuring you are appearing at the right time and place. Again, your stats either through Google Analytics of Social Media stats will show you the best times and opportunities for you.

 I will be honest, if you do what you have always done then it might be more difficult for you – start to think about how you could stand out from the crowd in the right way, today.

5. Are there any opportunities to be had right now?

YES – without a doubt YES. Believe it or not but there is a wealth of opportunity right now:

  • On-demand webinars
  • Facebook / Instagram Lives
  • EBooks & Guides
  • Membership platforms and building your community
  • Online shops

We could all sit at our desks and think about the what-ifs, but those businesses that will make this work are ready to adapt and plan for new ways of working.

Think about the time before every business had a website – now you could not really run a successful business without one!

Top Tip – Make a list of all the ways your business could innovate its marketing approach?

Coronovirus Marketing Planning - Creationz Marketing, Nottingham

Whilst we wait for the news to tell us all the latest development concerning the Coronavirus, you need to make sure your business is on the right path. We are helping our customers to see that we are planning and preparing to ensure there are no changes to the products and services they offer.

As we go through the next few weeks, I will add any further questions we are asked to this blog to try and give you our thoughts and ideas that you could implement. If you have a question that you would like us to answer, then please get in touch – 0115 8 376 260

If you need any help and support during this difficult period, then please get in touch – 0115 8 376 260


5 Mistakes to Avoid on Social Media
Are you a Marketing Magpie?
Are Testimonials Important
Do I Need a Marketing Plan

Join our FREE Facebook Group for Business Owners looking to get ahead in Marketing
Regular tips and advice that you can implement easily

Millenial Marketing – Creationz creates partnership with NTU to nurture future talent

Millenial Marketing – Creationz creates partnership with NTU to nurture future talent

Creationz Marketing has announced a strategic partnership with Nottingham Trent University as part of its mission to help develop the marketing talent of the future. 

Claire explains;

‘I formed Creationz Marketing in 2013 with the ethos of providing realistic, affordable marketing consultancy and social media facilitation to businesses who may not have their own marketing team in place.

‘As the business and our client base has grown, so too has our range of services and I wanted to be able to add fresh ideas and energy into the team and into our clients’ campaigns. I had looked at various apprenticeship schemes but felt the real value would be in creating a year-long internship for talented undergraduates seeking real-world marketing experience and approached Ben Topping at Nottingham Trent University to discuss this.

‘Ben and his team have been brilliant in working with us to create a very fulfilling experience for the students, which began when Jasmin Saimbi joined us as a Marketing Assistant in late 2019. Jasmin has been fantastic to work with and her input into client campaigns and indeed into the placement that we have created has been invaluable. I would urge more small businesses to think about how they can work more closely with our universities and colleges as everyone can benefit from this.’

Benjamin Topping, business advisor in the Employability team at Nottingham Trent University said;

‘Our aim is to develop our networks within the business community and we’re known for the employability of our graduates. That reputation is built on a strong track record of meeting the needs of employers – through the quality of our students and the quality of our services. 

‘The focus is on real-world thinking, bringing together the latest cutting-edge research and best practice from the world of business and it has been great to work with Claire on putting together a framework for this for our marketing undergraduates. Jasmin has blazed a trail for her peers and we look forward to working with Creationz Marketing on developing this exciting business relationship.’

Jasmin said; 

‘During my second year at NTU, I felt it would benefit my career to take a year in industry as I honestly didn’t know which routes I wanted to go down or specialise in. My Business  Management & Marketing degree was a three-year course but I felt I needed to find out what I enjoyed doing. Whether marketing, business management or something else.

‘I wanted to look for something where I could learn and develop my skills further, especially in digital marketing. No two days are the same and working for a smaller company has allowed me to get more involved with clients, decision making processes and networking, which has helped to build my confidence loads.’

Applications are now open for Creationz Marketing’s next internship, starting in September 2020.

Further Reading:

5 Mistakes to Avoid on Social Media
Are you a Marketing Magpie?
Are Testimonials Important
Do I Need a Marketing Plan